Celine 2024 Jasje Vest blouson jas jacket veste € 300,00
Original Louis Vuitton Monogram jas jasje jacket mantel vest
€ 430,00
Enlèvement ou Envoi
Livré à domicile par Bpost pour € 6,85
1734depuis 9 févr.. '25, 12:48
Original jacket from Louis Vuitton
It costs 1400 in new condition in store costs 3000€
Excellent condition 10/10
Includes box dust bag and hanger and receipt
I’m from Spain international shippings are available
It costs 1400 in new condition in store costs 3000€
Excellent condition 10/10
Includes box dust bag and hanger and receipt
I’m from Spain international shippings are available
Numéro de l'annonce: m2233299767
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