Honda VFR 750 RC36€ 2.400,00
vintage koersfiets Koga Myata Roadspeed
€ 749,00
2324depuis 8 déc.. '24, 21:49
Koga Myata Roadspeed 1980
Vintage koersfiets in originele staat en in orde gebracht met 2 nieuwe originele banden.
M Handmade
Road Hampton
Sakae custom
Shimano 600
Frame 58
This is a great Koga Miyata Koga Miyata Road Speed from around 1980, a classic sports-machine.
In this time, the Koga team was very successful and even won the UCI team worldcup in 1981. So one of the company's slogans was "From the factory to the starting line!"
The frame was built by Miyata, a company which has been in the bicycle business since 1890 and employed some of the best frame builders. But not only the employees were special at Miyata. A hallmark of all their bikes was the tubing of tremendous quality, first delivered by Tange. The result is stunning. So proud was Koga Miyata of their work, they granted a life long guarantee on the frames.
On top of the perfection there is beauty. Clean lugs and classic lines.
The bike has a racing geometry with ever so slightly more relaxed angles then a criterium bike and is completely equipped with Shimano 600 parts - Utterly reliable and a feast for your eyes."
Vintage koersfiets in originele staat en in orde gebracht met 2 nieuwe originele banden.
M Handmade
Road Hampton
Sakae custom
Shimano 600
Frame 58
This is a great Koga Miyata Koga Miyata Road Speed from around 1980, a classic sports-machine.
In this time, the Koga team was very successful and even won the UCI team worldcup in 1981. So one of the company's slogans was "From the factory to the starting line!"
The frame was built by Miyata, a company which has been in the bicycle business since 1890 and employed some of the best frame builders. But not only the employees were special at Miyata. A hallmark of all their bikes was the tubing of tremendous quality, first delivered by Tange. The result is stunning. So proud was Koga Miyata of their work, they granted a life long guarantee on the frames.
On top of the perfection there is beauty. Clean lugs and classic lines.
The bike has a racing geometry with ever so slightly more relaxed angles then a criterium bike and is completely equipped with Shimano 600 parts - Utterly reliable and a feast for your eyes."
Numéro de l'annonce: m2210763615
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