Yemen|Lonely Planet Publications 0864423195

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ÉtatComme neuf
TypeGuide ou Livre de voyage
Année (orig.)1996
Auteurzie beschrijving


||boek: Yemen|Pertti Hämäläinen|lonely planet-a travel survival kit

||door: Lonely Planet Publications

||taal: en
||jaar: 1996
||druk: 3rd edition
||pag.: 240p
||opm.: pocket|like new

||isbn: 0-86442-319-5
||code: 1:002596

--- Over het boek (foto 1): Yemen ---

Yemen is a medieval time capsule only recently opened to travellers. Explore this beguiling land of mud-brick sky-scrapers and labyrinthine medinas with this fully updated guide.

  • 29 detailed maps, including a full-colour country map
  • essential advice on safety, and areas to avoid
  • travel tips including health, visas and transport
  • the best places to stay and eat for all budgets
  • comprehensive Arabic language chapter


south arabia [2015-05-07]

This was an excellent guide book to Yemen in the 1990s and the early 20th century but as a result of the most recent civil war in that country much of the information that relates to western areas has become redundant however the book is now transformed into a good history book of Yemen as it was.

The tourist trade no longer exists and will take years to recover but hopefully the most magical part of Yemen in the east-the ruins of Marib,the skyscrapers of Shibam and the palaces of Tarim-will be untouched.

How often does a guide book turn into a history book?

G.I.Forbes [source:]

Most comprehensive guide to Yemen [2009-08-02]

Other travel guides cover all of the Middle East. The entire LP Guide to Yemen covers only one country, Yemen. Therefore, there is more actionable information on Yemen including more town maps, photos, and descriptions of villages and tribal areas where you can find traditional life less touched by modern ways. There is also more depth and more insight. This is more valuable than having a guide with a more recent publication date. It is indespensible for navigating along the path less traveled. Traveling on your own, I wouldn't go without it. You would risk bypassing places and that could cause you post-travel regrets.

Harvey Follender [source:]


It's had more upsets than a first-time traveller to India, but Yemen is now calm and collected and looking pretty darn tempting. Although the country is rapidly modernising, you'll find plenty of old-style Arabia - from spicy souqs to presumptuous palaces - wherever you travel.

One of the most striking features of Yemen is its astonishing architecture. The country is covered in ancient skyscrapers - eight-storey buildings made from stone and mud, where people live on top of their animals and the views are spectacular. You'll also see mind-blowing mosques, sultans' palaces and villages perched on top of seemingly inaccesible mountains. Whatever you're after, Yemen is worth the effort.



--- Over (foto 2): Lonely Planet Publications ---

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Aujourd'hui, Tony et Maureen Wheeler sont encore activement impliqués dans la vie de Lonely Planet. Ils voyagent plus que jamais et dédient leur temps libre à des activités caritatives. Les guides en français sont publiés depuis 1993, de 2004 à 2019 par la société Place des Editeurs, et depuis 2019 par Edi8, groupe Editis.

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