# Here is our sitemap (this line is independent of UA blocks, per the spec) Sitemap: https://www.2ememain.be/sitemap/sitemap.xml #Please keep blocking of all URLs in place for at least 2 years after removing a specific module User-agent: * Disallow: /experiences/* Disallow: /*/asq/ Disallow: /4282/mpnl.* Disallow: /LR/* Disallow: /4282/web/mpnl.* Disallow: /messages* Disallow: /notifications* Disallow: /plaats/* Disallow: /i/adinfo/* Disallow: /admanager/* #SOI subpage Disallow: /u/*/*/q/* Disallow: /u/*/*/l/* Disallow: /u/*/*/f/* # login, confirm and forgot password pages Disallow: /account/wachtwoordvergeten.html Disallow: /account/wachtwoordinstellen.html Disallow: /account/password-reset/initiate.html Disallow: /account/password-reset/confirm.html Disallow: /account/confirm.html Disallow: /account/login.html?target=* Disallow: /account/createAccount.html Disallow: /account/loginSuccess.html # mymp pages Disallow: /mymp/ # ASQ pages Disallow: /asq.html Disallow: /asq # SYI Pages Disallow: /syi/ # Flagging/tipping ads Disallow: /flag/ # bidding on ads Disallow: /bid/ # external url redirects Disallow: /externalUrl/ # google analytics Disallow: /EVIP/* Disallow: /VIP/* Disallow: /L1PAGE/* Disallow: /L1.5PAGE/* Disallow: /*ebayimg.com/*/s/* Disallow: /metrics/ Disallow: /wijzigAdvertentie/ #korean spam Disallow: /search?q=* #legacy Disallow: /callback/ Disallow: /beheer/ Disallow: /page_personnelle/ Disallow: /evaluation_profil.html Disallow: /rating.html Disallow: /login.html Disallow: /session_ouvrir.html Disallow: /loguit.html Disallow: /session_fermer.html Disallow: /registreer/ Disallow: /sinscrire/ Disallow: /bevestig/ Disallow: /confirmez/ Disallow: /transactie/ Disallow: /transaction/ Disallow: /bestelling/ Disallow: /commande/ Disallow: /afrekenen/ Disallow: /payer/ Disallow: /1006750/ Disallow: /7195/ Disallow: /219305991/ Disallow: /advertentie/*/stuur_door/ Disallow: /annonce/*/transferer_annonce/ Disallow: /advertentie/*/reactie/ Disallow: /annonce/*/reaction/ Disallow: /beheer/chat/ Disallow: /page_personnelle/messagerie_instantanee/ Disallow: /beheer/chat/ Disallow: /page_personnelle/messagerie_instantanee/ # prevent unnecessary crawling Disallow: /lrp/api/audience-targeting Disallow: /px/fb* # Block VIPs with parameters Disallow: /a/*/*/m*.html?c=* Disallow: /a/*/*/a*.html?c=* Disallow: /v/*/*/m*?c=* Disallow: /v/*/*/a*?c=* Disallow: /a/*/*/m*.html*correlationId=* Disallow: /a/*/*/a*.html*correlationId=* Disallow: /v/*/*/m*correlationId=* Disallow: /v/*/*/a*correlationId=* #block homepage feeds Disallow: /?type=* #block kijkinuwwijk parameters Disallow: /kijkinuwwijk.html?m_i=* #block undefined URLs Disallow: */undefined*